Song Worksheet: Closer to the Edge by 30 Seconds to Mars

This exercise is great for ESL students who need to practise their listening skills.

All of these steps are numbered in the worksheet:

First (before playing the song) get the students to guess what the song may be about and which words may be in the lyrics - only giving the students the name of the song and perhaps some background on the band. Afterwards, play the song and check their predictions.

Secondly, get them to match words which go together in the song. Play the song again if required.

Then, get the students to identify the correct words, and after that they can fill in the blanks.

Allow students to write/jot down any new vocabulary (space provided on the worksheet) and explain the words where/as required. And then if you have time: play the song one last time and encourage everyone to sing along!

If you would like to play the song on guitar rather than playing the YouTube version, it's easy too!
The chords are G ; D ; Em ; D ; C through to the end.