Leisure Time Activities Questionnaire

This worksheet + follow-up activities deals with the students' leisure time activities.
There are four steps which cover both individual and pair work activities:

A) The students check the frequency in which they have engaged in the following activities in the past two months. They only check one answer for each possible leisure activity.
B) form groups of four students (3 or more groups)
C) The students find a partner with whom they have as many common interests as possible.
D) Then they arrange a programme for a weekend trip with their partner.
E) The students present the programme to the teacher and the class.
F) Follow-up activity: The students may write a mail to a pen friend and report about the questionnaire done in class (see fllow-up activity in the document)
or they may write an email mentiuning the programme they have organised with their partner.
i have already used it in one of my classes with pre-interrmediate / beginners and it was fairly successful.

The last step: A model email which draws on the students' contributions and which needs to be corrected. The students have to spot 10 mistakes (grammar). This document is attached with a key.