Teachingenglish.org.uk: BusyTeacher's Detailed Review

This site is not a student site whatsoever; instead, it is truly a professional resource for instructors of English as a Second and Foreign Language. It’s touted as a place for “high-quality, affordable professional development for English language teachers to develop their skills and access support.” Here’s information directly from the website about its purpose and contents.
“Cambridge English Teacher offers you opportunities to develop your skills and connect with other teachers and experts in English language teaching, wherever you are in the world. Cambridge English Teacher is run by two departments of the University of Cambridge with many years of experience and expertise in education and teacher development (including the CELTA, Delta and TKT qualifications):
Here are the suggested uses, as posted on the site.
Users can purchase a membership to enhance their experience. With membership, instructors will gain access to the following:
It’s also possible to access the site with a trial membership. Users can choose to purchase greater access after sampling some of the available resources, which a great opportunity for teachers to scope out what the site has to offer without making an initial financial commitment.
The courses available on the site are self-study, online classes that can be completed any time during a 6-month time frame. Some of the topics include IELTS preparation, teaching young learners, and teaching vocabulary. All of the courses are just under $40, which includes a certificate upon completion.
Another great professional development opportunity for teachers is participation in webinars. These are also flexible in terms of time, and include a wide range of topics. More information can be accessed here.
For those teachers interested in professional dialogue with colleagues, the site maintains and active and comprehensive discussion area where users can post and respond to pedagogical and practical questions about teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language.
Cambridge has the highest of reputations, not only in the field of teaching English, but in the world of education, in general. Users can rest assured that they are coming in contact with tested and refined materials and resources.
For those interested in building skills and competency as instructors, this is a wonderful place to do so. Cambridge English Teaching is a leader in the field, and those who are looking to develop in a particular pedagogical area will undoubtedly find what they are looking for.
The price of membership is affordable and well worth it. The option for instructors to experiment with the website by signing up for a trial membership is a great feature for those who don’t want to immediately commit. The courses are priced very low, and the convenient time allotments and the flexibility of web-based learning can’t be beat. This is a particularly wise investment for isolated EFL teachers to make if they don’t have access to in-person professional development opportunities, but it’s just as practical for the busy teacher who wants to be able to fit a course or a webinar into a full schedule on their own terms.
American teachers might do better with other resources when it comes to professional credentials and certifications. However, those who are purely concerned with quality needn’t look any further than Cambridge.
I’d recommend using this site for professional development and the enhancement of an existing career. That said, it may also serve new ESL and EFL teachers well. It is certainly intended for those teaching with a British system, but American teachers can still benefit from the vast array of quality resources. It’s not a site to send students to, but rather, a place to improve as an instructor, something that all of us need to remember to devote time and energy to. Cambridge makes this easy. I’d love to hear from anyone who has taken a Cambridge course. What was your experience like? Are the opportunities as great as they seem?
This is a guest review by an independent author. This review reflects the opinions of the author and not necessarily those of BusyTeacher.org as a publication.