Ready for Action: How to Be Completely Prepared for Your ESL Class

Observations can result in our learning new methods and finding solutions to long-standing problems; after all, we all face similar challenges in the classroom. Witnessing someone else’s approach is often enlightening and almost always provides food for thought. To make the whole experience as useful as possible, though, we need to do a little preparation. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your observations:
You may be about to see a whole swathe of methodologies with which you’re not familiar. This doesn’t mean they’re wrong, or ineffective; be prepared to evaluate the class on its merits, not simply on how closely the teacher follows your own systems of presentation, discipline, class structure, use of time, etc.
You’ll need a note pad and pens. Your school or organization may provide standardized forms; if not, there are some tips below on how to organize your notes. Expect to be given a lesson plan by the teacher you’re observing, as well as copies of any handouts they’ll be using. If no plan is forthcoming, unobtrusively check whether the teacher has created one; if not, consider whether this is an oversight, a troubling sign, or simply a very experienced teacher who has eschewed a written set of intentions for their class.
In the absence of a standardized form, informally create your own. Include the date, time and duration of the class, as well as the level and number of students. Make a note of the (implicit or explicit) aims of the class, i.e. the target language or skills to be practiced.
Five pedagogy texts will advise five different ‘ideal structures’ for organizing the content of a class. If I’ve learned anything during my time in classrooms, it has been the importance of teaching the class, not the plan. The teacher may find themselves going off-road to address a particular issue, re-explain an important point, or practice something which needs additional time; all of these things demonstrate a responsiveness to student needs, and are absolutely fine. In your notes, then, rather than organizing boxes or sections for particular types of activity, leave an open space which is filled in ‘organically’ as the class progresses.
Whatever is happening, be it a pedagogical marvel or a slow-motion train wreck, keep a poker face. Or, if you’re feeling cheerily compassionate, keep a bright and open visage; smiling and nodding (and, if you’re in the mood, even giving the occasional thumbs up) can reassure the stressed, self-conscious teacher that they’re on the right lines. This is particularly true of new teachers; perhaps you’ve had the experience, during your training or certification, of looking to your observers, only to receive a stony-faced and impassivene reply. It’s not the most comfortable feeling.
Avoid such negative gestures as shaking your head or betraying shock or disapproval through your facial expression. The teacher’s confidence may never recover from this unwelcome rebuke.
I’d also recommend that you don’t become involved in the class. If a student asks you a question while you’re observing, quickly tell them that you need to concentrate and listen, and that they should ask their teacher instead. Don’t feel the need, however, to be rooted to your seat; much can be learned from seeing first-hand how well the students are absorbing the day’s material, and a brief patrol around the class may yield valuable data.
You may choose to focus on particular aspects of your colleague’s teaching; these are some common areas to dwell upon.
This is a delicate and challenging situation, and I invite you to consider the style in which you might prefer to receive what may well be an awkward, embarrassing and even contentious summation from your colleagues. As much as possible, frame your comments as praise and advice, not simply a list of ‘things they should have done’. In fact, there is a range of language which can add tension and stress to the feedback process, and I urge you to avoid its use:
Instead, these might be better places to begin:
If the teacher made the same mistake many times (e.g. asking “Do you understand?”) mention it once, and then move on. Nobody enjoys being reminded of failures, so address the issue, recommend an alternative method, or a way to remember this point in the future (e.g. writing it on the lesson plan) and return to something more positive. Some good language for this would include:
Try to include strongly positive adjectives (excellent, superb, outstanding, first-class) at least as many times as you address knotty issues or mistakes. The teacher will come away with a little more motivation and self-belief, as well as useful hints for their future teaching.