Getting Ready for Your Best Year Ever: Start Now to Make a Difference Once School Starts

Unless your employer is truly unreasonable, there will now be some kind of break, hopefully ten or fifteen minutes to recharge your batteries before the next challenge. I’ve been giving some thought to how I might best use this time, and here are my suggestions:
I couldn’t operate without my lists. They give me structure, direction and an aid to a rather stretched memory. My lunch and break times are often spent making way down this list, which could include:
However, you might work for the kind of school which does not pay you for your break time. In this case - or if you’re up to date with your paperwork - consider spending this time in another way.
Do something completely unrelated to teaching, or English, or your school. Read a chapter of a novel, check your email, read the news, or even just close your eyes in a quiet room for a few moments.
If there is somewhere in your school which is quiet enough, close the door, sit on something comfortable, and focus purely on your breathing for ten minutes.
I’ve learned an enormous amount from listening to the experiences of my fellow teachers. Early on, I learned to talk less and listen more, and even to make surreptitious notes on my phone or a legal pad, so that I wouldn’t forget to chase up an interesting resource, or read a new piece of research they’d recommended.
However, I’d like to recommend against sitting together with other teachers and simply complaining about things. It might feel good on some level, and it’s nice to vent from time to time, especially with those who feel just as you do, but it reinforces negative neurochemistry and can lead to feelings of depression and powerlessness about your personal and professional circumstances. Problem solving is one thing; bitching is probably a waste of everyone’s time.
Unless you live in Boston and it’s February (brrrr!) I heartily recommend that you get some fresh air at least once during your working day. If you’re an ex-smoker, like me, find out where the other smokers go, and head in the opposite direction. Taking a walk helps clear your head, especially if you can manage not to think about school and teaching for a few moments. Any kind of exercise is also positive for your state of mind.
I’m trying to end my habit of getting on the sugar rollercoaster, but a candy bar at break time does provide a welcome boost. I’ve been switching to nutrition bars, which are healthier, and ultimately fruit would be the answer. I’ve also switched from coffee to tea; the caffeine buzz is more moderate and lasts longer, and again there are no health implications from green tea in particular.
You’re busy and there are a million things to take care of, but it’s important not to forget to reach out to your friends or significant other during the working day. My wife really appreciates a random ‘how are you doing?’ text, especially when she knows I’m up to my ears in students, grading and lesson plans.
If you’ve already taken your walk, made some tea and read the headlines, consider getting a head start on your next class by preparing the whiteboard or blackboard. Students are immediately engaged if they walk in and find a question or puzzle on the board. Good warm-ups in this regard include: