This worksheet teaches students how to use descriptive and persuasive language to make a compelling advertisement. This was originally designed for Chinese University students and so the examples given are for Tsingtao Beer - a popular brand, this makes it perhaps not appropriate for younger learners. I have pulled together a few ideas from other advertising worksheet, the 5 senses idea is not my own, to focus on using comparisons and superlatives to add color to an advert.
Page 1 -Ss need to first identify - their product - their target market - and their selling points.
Page 2 - Ss must describe their product using all 5 senses.
Page 3 - Ss practice writing сomparatives/ыuperlatives to give an ad persuasive effect.
Page 4 - Using the 20 most popular adjectives and verbs in advertising to write good copy for their product.
Page 1 -Ss need to first identify - their product - their target market - and their selling points.
Page 2 - Ss must describe their product using all 5 senses.
Page 3 - Ss practice writing сomparatives/ыuperlatives to give an ad persuasive effect.
Page 4 - Using the 20 most popular adjectives and verbs in advertising to write good copy for their product.