Podium Power: 9 Tips for Great Student Presentations

Some teachers shy away from them. After all, many ESL students panic just as the thought of standing up front. And students in a panic aren’t students who can speak well. Few students enjoy speaking from up front in class. It doesn’t come naturally. If it did, there wouldn’t be so many classes on public speaking.
But just because your student’s don’t like talking from up front or they feel they are not good at it does not mean you should shy away from presentations in class. In fact, having your students present from up front actually holds many benefits for them and their classmates. Here are some of the positives that come from getting students up in front of their peers.
When students present from up front, they get uninterrupted speaking practice, and that isn’t always easy to come by. Navigating discourse is a skill that ESL students need to learn, but having a conversation with someone doesn’t mean both parties will get equal speaking time. One student is bound to talk more than the other. And some students shy away from jumping into a conversation completely. When students present from up front, they are the only one speaking. They must speak clearly and audibly and cannot hide behind a chatty conversation partner. This is especially valuable for your shier students who are more than willing to let their partners do all the talking.
The best teachers do informal evaluations of their students’ speaking abilities on a regular basis. When you listen in on conversations happening around the room, you get a good read on a student’s instinctual speaking abilities. But evaluating students’ speech during upfront presentations is a good policy, too. Students who are presenting are more careful about their pronunciation and diction. They may speak with more confidence, or at least feign it. When you evaluate their speaking in these circumstances, you get a read of the best their spoken English can be. And when you have an idea of their potential, you can compare it to their actual use of spoken English during class.
By comparing the two, you will have an idea of how much language your students have acquired, that is how much of it is coming naturally. When there is a large gap between their potential and their actual, you know students need more practice speaking. They need practice so their best spoken English becomes their informal spoken English. When their best English and their informal English are more similar, you can be confident that your students are internalizing much of the theoretical language skills they are learning.
Sometimes it is a challenge to have a conversation with an enthusiastic speaker. Perhaps that is why some students get a real confidence boost by talking up front. They have the time and the attention of their fellow students, and they can feel good about expressing themselves using their best English. They don’t get interrupted. They don’t get shut down. Sometimes that is all some of your more quiet students need – a chance to speak without being interrupted – and they will shine like they never have before.
The benefits of up front presenting aren’t limited to the speaker. The rest of the class gets valuable listening practice. One of the greatest benefits is listening to students with accents different from their own. Despite what people say, everyone has an accent. And that includes you, their English teacher. When students listen to their classmates present, they must exercise their listening skills with less familiar accent patterns. This will help prepare them for post scholastic English when they interact with native speakers from all over the world or nonnative speakers who use English as their lingua franca.
I love to have students share their opinions from up front. Not only does it give them speaking practice, it sparks thoughts in the students who are listening. And when two people are in a room, odds are you’ll get two different opinions on any one subject. Differing opinions in the ESL classroom equates to valuable conversation, conversation in which students must discuss even when they don’t agree. This gives them practice with discourse skills that might not otherwise come up in more typical classroom activities. So let your students disagree with each other. It’s conversation gold.
There are plenty of ways you can help your students present from upfront.
Making presentations a regular part of your lesson plans will ensure each student has uninterrupted chance to speak and get feedback on their speaking skills and ultimately, it will make your students better speakers overall.