You’ll Have Reason to Celebrate with These ESL Activities

They give us a reason to get together with the people we love and celebrate. Sometimes we celebrate a birthday. Other days we celebrate a holiday. Still other times we celebrate accomplishments of those we care about. Whatever the reason, special occasions come up all the time, but you don’t have to let them derail your English language studies. In fact, you can use them to your advantage. Special occasions are a great reason to celebrate and to change things up in class but still keep moving toward the same goal. Here are some special occasions and how to use them to further your students on their language learning journeys.
Who doesn’t love a great birthday party? (Even if it is the tenth anniversary of our twenty-ninth.) Depending on the number of students in your class, birthdays can get a bit overwhelming for our teaching schedules. But have you ever considered celebrating everyone’s birthday at the same time? Choose a date during your school year to celebrate everyone’s birthday, even if no one actually has a birthday on that day. Then try these language activities to keep the celebration going and the language developing.
Movie days are great for celebrating a big achievement, like finishing a novel in English. But you can use movie day as more than a reason to celebrate an accomplishment. Use it to accomplish new things in English. Choose a movie that works for your class and then try the following activities.
Holidays are a great reason to celebrate and also to share culture since many places celebrate in such different ways. On the next major holiday, try one of these activities.
We all love to have a good time and be creative, and you can always tie in ways to use and develop English skills. So choose a day and celebrate, whatever your reason, and your students will celebrate their creative and fun English teacher too.