Greta Thunberg's Speech Post-Listening Task. Communicative-Grammar Focus.

Greta Thunberg's Speech Post-Listening Task. Communicative-Grammar Focus.

rated by 1 teachers
Greta Thunberg's Speech Post-Listening Task. Communicative-Grammar Focus.

Activities based on Greta Thunberg's speech at COP24, Katowice, Poland. December 2018.
Especially interesting if as a teacher you support 15th of March Students' Global Strike or Fridays for Future in general.

The activities focus on grammar: conditional sentences, passive, too and enough and the use of will and present continuous from a communicative approach.

The main point of the exercises is making students think about Thunberg's words, about the concepts of climate justice and the living planet, as well as the role of people and politicians today,