Back-To-School Activities: Reading Names

These activities make it fun for students to learn to read the names of the many people at school.

Name Tags
Reproduce these name tags for students to wear at the beginning of the year, whenever there is a guest speaker or other visitors to class, and on field trips.

What’s My Name?
Here are three activities that provide opportunities for students to read each other’s names.

My Initials
You often want students to use initials when signing art projects. Here are some ways to make students aware of their initials.

My Name Hunt

Using the record sheet, students fi nd someone in class whose fi rst or last name begins with each letter on the sheet. That child writes the student’s name on the line next to the letter.

Photo Bulletin Board
Use photos to help students learn to read the names of real people around the school.

My Very Own Spot
Reserve a spot for each student to display a favorite project. Let students take turns reading the names and hanging up each other’s work.


This collection was kindly provided by Evan-Moor Corp. and is also available for free download on their website.
