Parent Teacher Conference: Don't Get Worried, Get Ready (6-Step Checklist)

If you want to establish good communication with the parents of your students, call each one at the beginning of the year. Talk about his or her child and say some positive things. Having good communication with the parents is extremely important. When you have to call to report some type of negative behavior, it is much easier and acceptable. You surely do not want to start off the year with a negatively charged classroom!
With students who have behavioral or academic problems on which you need to comment, use statements such as the following:
Do not just put down anything. Think before you write. Parents need to be kept informed of any problems. Be sure, however, that you have contacted the parent prior to progress report time. Do not surprise the parent. Parents have a right to know how their child is doing and where help is needed. As time consuming as it is, asking parents to come in to visit before or after school will pay off dividends in the end.
This article comes from a great book called ‘Year-Round Classroom Tips’ published by Teacher Created Resources. Article displayed by kind permission of Teacher Created Resources.