Who we are

About the company


BusyTeacher.org is owned by SureSwift Capital, a company that focuses on education technology solutions and also owns HelpTeaching.com and ElementaryLibrarian.com

HelpTeaching.com offers a library of printable worksheets and a free Test Maker that allows educators to create worksheets from an existing library of over 100,000 questions in a variety of formats including multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended.

ElementaryLibrarian.com offers library lesson plans for librarians teaching elementary grade levels K-6 along with some free resources for librarians.

 is now in its ninth year of operation and has a trusted web presence for teachers worldwide. 
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Our mailing address

SureSwift Capital
5201 Eden Ave. Suite 300
Edina, MN 55436