Things in the Kitchen

Things in the Kitchen

rated by 5 teachers
Things in the Kitchen

This is for children to learn the names of the things they normally see in the kitchen.
The pictures can be shown to children and a discussion started by asking several questions like the ones given below.
Where do you see these things ?
Do you use these things?
Who uses it?
Where & for what purpose do we use them?
Where children do not know the correct word, they can be aked to repeat after the teacher.
They can also be asked to make sentences using these words.
They can be asked to sort the different items according to the following.
Cleaning Aids
Aids which help you prepare food items ready for cooking
Different utensils & accessories used in the kitchen
Different things used for eating food
Things which help us to make kitchen a safe place
Cooking Accessories
The next step:
Suppose there are 24 children, make four groups of six children.
The teacher can print out four sets of pictures and words and laminitate them individually after pasting on the hard paper.
Give each group 1 set of words dnd pictures and ask them to match them accordingly.
The children simply loved it.

lalitha Sundaram