ESL Teachers Ask: What Are Some Good Ways to Connect with My New ESL Students?

First comes acceptance. Like it or not, iPhones, iPods, iPads and the like, are here to stay. And if they don’t stay, they will be easily replaced by other “i” products. Backpacks and bags even come with special compartments that are specifically designed for such devices. It wouldn’t be unheard of for an adult learner to bring a laptop to class. Schools are wired with WiFi. It’s so easy to take these gadgets everywhere we go – why not bring them into the ESL classroom?
Next, comes the question: should you completely ban them from your ESL classroom? Some schools have a policy regarding the use of technological devices within school grounds. Check your school’s policy. If they are not allowed, communicate this to your students. They must understand that it is school policy and that if they insist on bringing technological devices to school, they may be confiscated. In this case, the responsibility lies with your students.
But what if your ESL school has no such policy? You may choose to ban electronic devices from your classroom anyway, and if you do, this is a rule you must be prepared to enforce. But you might be more successful with your students if, instead of banning electronic devices, you teach them some good gadget etiquette.
Ask your students what could possibly be the most annoying thing about any electronic gadget. Most would agree it’s the ringing, the interruption that may cause you to lose your train of thought during class, whether it’s your phone or another’s that is ringing. It’s safe to say that most students would agree to turn off their phones during class. Remind adult learners who for some particular reason may need to be reached urgently, like doctors or parents, that they may put their phones on “vibrate” instead.
Remind students of their language learning goals and how important it is for them to immerse themselves in an English-speaking environment. How could they possibly listen to you in one language and respond to text messages in another? Kindly ask them if it would be too hard to hold the text messaging until class is over.
Remind students that the school can’t be held accountable for electronic devices that may disappear from the premises. Ask younger students if they are willing to take the risk of losing their brand new PSP or Nintendo DS. With a little nudging, they might agree that the risk is not worth it.
Determine if you will allow some electronic devices and not others - for example, cell phones will be allowed but not gaming devices. Also, you may limit to what capacity they may use each device, for example, they may use them to take notes, record role plays, or videotape a skit, but not to play games, text friends or chat. This may depend on the size of the class: smaller classes are easier to monitor, while for larger groups this may be too hard to control.
Teach by example. If they see you checking your messages while they are busy completing a worksheet or reading task, you won’t get your point across. See? You’re hooked too! Teach them, instead how much fun you can have with very low tech like a ball, a blindfold, or a box of odds and ends.
What is your take on this hot topic? Do you allow or use gadgets in the classroom? Post comments below!
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